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发布日期:2023/10/16    点击:

报告题目Zero-Error Distributed Function Compression




报告摘要In this talk, we put forward the model of zero-error distributed function compression system of two binary memoryless sources X and Y, where there are two encoders En1 and En2 and one decoder De, connected by two channels (En1, De) and (En2, De) with the capacity constraints C1 and C2, respectively. The encoder En1 can observe X or (X, Y) and the encoder En2 can observe Y or (X, Y) according to the two switches s1 and s2 open or closed (corresponding to taking values 0 or 1). The decoder De is required to compress the binary arithmetic sum f(X, Y) = X +Y with zero error by using the system multiple times. We use (s1s2; C1,C2; f) to denote the model in which it is assumed that C1C2 by symmetry. The compression capacity for the model is defined as the maximum average number of times that the function f can be compressed with zero error for one use of the system, which measures the efficiency of using the system. We fully characterize the compression capacities for all the four cases of the model (s1s2; C1,C2; f) for s1s2= 00,01,10,11. Here, the characterization of the compression capacity for the case (01; C1,C2; f) with C1>C2 is highly nontrivial, where a novel graph coloring approach is developed. Furthermore, we apply the compression capacity for (01; C1,C2; f) to an open problem in network function computation that whether the best known upper bound of Guang et al. on computing capacity is in general tight.

报告人简介光炫博士,南开大学必威betway中文版教授,博士生导师,入选国家级四青人才项目及南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划。2012年毕业于南开大学陈省身数学研究所,获博士学位,其中20111月至20128月在美国南加州大学从事联合培养博士(留学基金委和美国自然科学基金资助)。201511月至201811月在香港中文大学网络编码研究所从事研究工作(香江学者)。光炫博士的研究兴趣为信息论、编码理论与密码学;目前的研究方向为面向函数计算的信息论和编码理论。近年来完成一部学术专著Linear Network Error Correction Coding,由德国Springer出版发行;发表学术论文40余篇,其中在IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., IEEE Trans. Commun., USENIX Security等发表论文近二十篇。研究成果获多个国内外会议的最佳论文奖。2021获天津数学与统计联合学术年会“青年学者奖”;2018年获得中国电子学会“信息论青年新星奖”;入选天津市“131创新人才计划”第二梯队人选;2016年入选“香江学者计划”;2014入选天津市“三年千人”高层次人才计划。

